Sunday 18 May 2008

This could be a good thing! Cheers Earnest.. N:A ART is Born

Art and a meeting of Mind vs Minds

If you thought Art had finally lost itself to the prescribed media of “Box, Tick, Funding.” well think again. Like the legend of the Concrete Poets of the 1960’s, Stroud now boasts a rising force, freeing itself from the formaldehyde arts factories of the Damien Hirst empire. Like Poet and Artist John Furnival of the afore-mentioned Concrete Poets, its a “Frog, Pond,Plop” of independent continuity, standing in stark contrast, to the current curricular idiom of compliance.

Who or what is this new found joy? It’s The NA ART Collective.

After meeting with their members, before the opening of their Premier Exhibition “A Slice of Me at The Boys Club” being held in conjunction with and part of the Stroud Valley Arts Site 08 event. I was given the opportunity to engage with their hidden artistic experiences and have been fortunate enough to see, at first hand, aspects of their exploration.

To be honest I found it a welcome relief to the normally dull trudging, of ego wading, I’m normally faced with.

My lasting impression:- NA ART are self reliant, non compliant, artists fighting for freedom of expression and creativity, against the backdrop of unprecedented conservatism in the arts. A Conservatism which has plagued the past decade with mediocrity, an effect of the prescribed modernity placed upon it, in the never ending fight for funding.

When asked questions relating to their media, and being served questions over what they aim to achieve. I am faced with the phrase “it’s easier not to, so why not”. It’s a common saying in our initial conversations. But I am welcomed wholeheartedly into their world and in spending time with them, I have been privileged to learn more of their diverse relationship with
each other and their media.

Paul Grellier engages with a didactic display of dualism in his structural forms. Unleashing, uncompromising conversations with gravity and flow in the condition of hindsight and foresight.

Imogen Harvey-Lewis and her illustrative conversations with subconscious communication and desire. Interweaving the fine line of balance, nuance and intrigue.

Rayner Grant, exposing his love of Leonardo Da Vinci, combining the inclusive left brain, right brain approach to thinking, communication and spontaneous creativity. Reaching into the sub consciousness of childhood’s juxtaposition with form and reality.

Gavin Palmer, who’s stark graphic images somehow capture and contain immense hidden warmth, often lost in the development of the digital media.

Micha Leese, exploring with eclectic, quirky and playful, illustrative designs. Toys with the imagination and allows the journey of a story to unfold through illustrative expressionism.

Adam Morrigan, who’s Socio-Environmental and Political art using Road Kill and other things, picking at the conscience of polite artistic society, with uncompromising and somehow, stunningly beautiful creations.

He says “apparently its all in the mix as if a Phoenix of deliberation has risen from the Ashes of the 21st century and the Saatchi fire, and about time, I was getting a bit bored”

In my last meeting with the NAART they laugh and and discuss the prophetic vision of Douglas Adams with his ultimate book Last Chance to See, co-written with Mark Carwardine warning of the extinction of the Yellow River Dolphin (too late) wild artists could be a thing of the past.

Earnest de la Warr: May 2008

A Slice of Me at The Boys Club Open 5th June untill the 18th June 2008
Daily 11-4 Weekend 10-6 Weekends
(Finale 7pm June 18th 2008

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