Thursday 18 June 2009

Brick Lane Exhibit Info and Statement (G8 Mate!).

Adam Morrigan: An explanation of my work.

My work contains naturally processed forms following the simple premise of working with respect. The processes I use are not entered into lightly and all the materials I use are a product of human consumption and demand (obviously).
In response to peoples shock reaction to my use of animals I feel obliged to offer this explanation.
“All synthetic and processed materials have a relative cost (Including Human) and we as adults can if we choose make conscious decisions regarding the materials we use.
Often decisions are made without full understanding and therefore, due to this fundamental flaw, without consent.”
Porn Economics is a study of what and who is for sale, attempting to demonstrate the duality of dynamic by exploring the relationship of the Bunny and the Knife.
It also has a price tag of £8,000,000.00 which may seem a lot but “Money is only a concept, choice is real.”
Road Kill Janus and the Duality of Haute Couture is irony in the extreme.
Road Kill Janus Welcomes you to the shadow of Haute Couture, fur and all.

Porn Economics, HIV, Chlamydia e.t.c..

Knife, Baking Tray, Rabbit and Dice
Cost £8,000,000.00

Road Kill Janus and the duality of Haute Couture.

Veg Tan “Road Kill” Fox Cub with Fur and Face intact, landfill.
Cost £80,000.00

Terms and References:

Haute: High Class Fashion Design (Foxy handbag)
Couture: Made to order.
Janus: Roman God of doorways depicted with two faces.
Porn: Books, TV, Film e.t.c Catering to the voyeuristic obsessive interest of a specified subject.
Economics: Supply and Demand of material goods (Including Human) to generate wealth.
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Chlamydia: Parasitic Bacterium, relying on other cells to produce.
E.t.c.. Further items included.
Ref: Porn Economics HIV Chlamydia e.t.c..
Ref: G8 Manipulation of Supply and demand to create consensus

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